Thursday, 19 April 2012


Jesus wlaks on water:Red Bull advert

 Red Bull has made an advertisement where Jesus walk on water but one of the desciples ask if its one of his miracles, the other responds and says that its probably the Red Bull that he drank. Jesus responds that you just have to know the rocks and your stepping stones. Red bull really like kidding around with religion specifically christianity. This is not the first time they do so. There was also an advertisement that was about Christianity where the Angels where said to have wings because they drank red bull .I really find it very disturbing for red bull to belittle christianity like this. When ask to comment the communication department of red bull said that they where just kidding around. Where do you begin to build your communication strategy on such a risky topic as this? Why do you kid on things like this? Well this kidding has surely destroyed their reputation because many christians are not ever going support it. A Catholic Bishop has even argued christians to stop supporting it. Their communication managers are surely against religion. Why do they continue using christianity even if they were banned the first time around? I really do not understand. Apparently the CEO of Red Bull died late march . Do we then say ,God is punishing him? we do know. Well I hope all the bad publicity has made them realise that you do not play with Christianity.

                                                 red bull advert where Jesus was born and the three wise man brought gifts


  1. As an organisation Red Bull should know better than to make fun of religion because it is a very sensitive and offensive issue. It shows that they didn't analyse their target audience.

  2. i think they succeeded in what they were aiming at.. its a sensitive and controversal issue . as christians you also need to understand that not everyone is a christian there are many religions out there . they were wrong in not respecting the christian religion

  3. at cresentia that's right they did not even plan their advertising campaign very well and just B even if we are not all christian you need to respect those who are you can't base your message on kidding with religion.
